Souter Steel


Souter Steel — diverse poems finished in Vancouver; published in London/UK by my own imprint, Weslond Books (WB), 1984.  Re-written, improved in April/2019 and republished as an ebook in Aug/2021 by WB



SOUTER means ‘to mend’ in old north-country language and it’s also a place, a rocky headland on the NE coast of England.

STEEL is another old north-country (UK) word for low shelves of rock at the coastline; reaching out beyond the tide-line, dangerous to any in-shore shipping…

These poems are a diverse collection; from a five year period, of teaching and moving, with some innovations and new subjects — including a long verse romance with traditional rhyme-an-meter. But all the pages have been reworked and much improved last year (2019)…

There’s humour and wit in these verses; because poems can laugh at themselves. And there will always be ‘poeta’; when it renews our language, our humanity…Good poets read a lot, so that ‘allusion’ becomes a big part of poesy; there’s an affinity for other writers and their work…

Souter Steel
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