Yours truly, at a nice visitors center in Nagano/Japan (2007); catching-up on news and emails…

Many years now I have been writing my own lessons, for secondary school English and ESL: such as things as grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and writing/reading skills.  Hoping to publish these pages in book form in the near future.  Because despite all the courses and schools, I still think there’s a real need for good texts — updated, clear and user-friendly…

My focus would be on all kinds of writing: including stories, essays, modern poetry and Adult fiction inspired by real-life characters.

I was teacher a large part of my working life, mostly in London/UK; but also in Canada (Vancouver), South Korea and California.  I am retired from schools; but still continue to teach privately, English subjects, at all levels… because I still enjoy this and think to benefit others…

What’s the difference between — allusion, illusion and elude…!?

What’s the difference between — practice and practise…!?

What is an ‘ellipsis’ (in grammar)…!?

Who wrote the poem — ‘Kubla Khan’…and how!?

‘Hamlet’ was a Danish prince — so when did Shakespeare visit Denmark…!?

What is an ‘oxymoron’…!?

I had lots of private students, which encouraged me to write lesson materials very much my own.  I gathered these lesson pages with an idea of producing a book.  Because they were my best  efforts, to assist students wishing to get more out English education, not just passing courses…   

Adult fiction is a massive area, when you think of all the new books published  every year and students need to cope with this great volume of writing we are  surrounded by.  They need strategies and skills, judgment and discernment, sensitivity and maturity, to simply avoid being overwhelmed…   What is a good book, a bad one and why!  Why do people write and why do we read?  What’s the attraction of fiction or poetry, when we know it’s an imaginary narrative….

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