Online Short Stories to Read

Best Online Short Stories To Read
Online short stories give you a glimpse into a writer’s imagination: with a particular event, realistic, or somewhere occurring in the depth of his/her own thoughts. And a story writer also wants his/her work to reach the maximum possible audience, to get a broader feedback and understand the very nature of his/her audience. In doing so, providing online short stories to read, is the very best method to reach out to the unreachable. Even the best story writers are adopting the online method for their audience.
I was only thirteen when first arriving in London (never thought to be a story writer/poet), on a coal carrier from the northeast region. We were waiting in front of Tower Bridge for a low tide; to proceed up the Thames River towards Battersea power station. Suddenly, I was in the center of a world famous port; a mere child on summer passage as ‘cabin boy’ to the small crew — carrying mugs of tea up to the bridge and down to the engine room. In return I stood at the chart table, with the captain; to be instructed on sights either side of the river, the history and landmarks: like ‘Traitor’s gate’ near the White Tower and ‘Big ben’ clock tower. Altogether it was more than I bargained for, but remains with me as an adult, as special treasure from younger days…
Here with the help of my website I’m trying to present some of my work/thoughts in the form of —
- Online short stories to read/offline (Being a short stories writer I have put all my years of experience to provide you the best)
- Poems/Poetics
- Short fiction stories
- Some Essays ( About best short stories writers / famous English poets)
This journey started years back from London, England. Then as an adult I managed to explore many parts of the world from Seoul to California, from Yukon to Vancouver and many other places. Finally all these travel experiences, I include in my books. Hoping you will enjoy reading all my online short stories ….
“Prose works words, poetry gathers them anew”
Coming back from Churchill, at Winnipeg airport; after three days/nights sleeping rough on the Polar Bear Express train; which goes straight north through hundreds of lakes, boreal forest and empty horizons. Where I did a bit of writing/reading, exploring and exchanging with some of the locals about bears, whales and such like — to help my own writing be informed…
There is a big difference between prose and poetry — brevity is one, enhanced use of language another, along with tropes and such like…

Reader’s who appreciated and provided their valuable comments.

Writers want to change the world; when it’s often difficult to change their own life, friends and family — it’s a basic conundrum for most of them, myself included. But they keep going, often from early age, in unlikely circumstances — to challenge what they see, what they hear; to question things meant to be accepted, believed and followed… Certainly short stories writers I know (myself included), usually do not want to follow-on with easy answers, the status quo, common beliefs — they cannot rely on what has become readily accepted, they are loathe to be distracted from their own insights, experiences and ideas…

"A place with books, journals and reading materials; fiction and verse -- has the very best furniture to make a comfortable home"
I first began prose writing at about eleven years old, along with a school pal: suggested by our teacher. We were basically imitating ‘Enid Blyton’s’ stories, for our own devices and really got down to it one year, completing dozens of pages. Then we all read the first ‘Agatha Christie’ stories and tried to create our own murder/mystery and become best online short stories writers…
In Canada, I began poetry writing, after reading how it’s good training for prose writing — with a new typewriter (Although today I have computers and provide my readers online short stories to read) delivered from a catalogue. I was way up in northern parts (Peace River), with some free time after work duties at a construction site; only intending to stay with poems a short time. But they quickly took all my interest and it was exciting to see finished work nicely set-out on a page of type-written words…
My very first adult fiction was about California in the late 1960/70’s (written in London) and turned out well — thinking poetry had indeed been good training for prose writing. I completed twelve stories and provided those online short stories to read; focusing on Rudi Borah, a young man adrift on the sunny Westcoast. At the same time, I needed to write about teaching in London (1980-2000). This became another collection of short fiction, following Scott Robinson round his schools and London scenes with his time-off. I wrote these two books side-by-side and they turned out well; though very different locations, characters and themes…
S.A. Newton
Author of poetry and fiction
Recommended by KIRKUS REVIEWS, Feb-2014
Londinium Poeta: verses from the inner city 1980-2000
Short, free verse poems on the psychological and sociological complexities of life in London — Wendell Berry once suggested, “If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know who you are”. In this tightly focused collection, Newton (Tales out of School, 2009, etc) seeks to demonstrate the difficulty of knowing either half of that conditional. With a nod to Dickens’ famous opening, Newton launches his tour of self and city with dichotomous uncertainty: “London is old and new, good/bad, /great and small… / It is rich and poor, work/play, dull and /vivid”. Later, he suggests that “LA is the city of angels, Paris the city light; /London is toy town with puppet rulers/ raggedy dolls, tin soldiers /upon painted sets… set in motion by clockwork make-believe; it is magical /and comical, silly and daring”. Like Bukowski, whose influence is unmistakable, Newton is most interested in the social divides and tensions that define the city, with a clear sympathy for the ordinary, workaday resident. London is a place where the “Princess waved/smiled/gestured” at a narrator taking a walk and is the place “where cats and /such can look upon a queen”, but it’s also the place where narrators stumble across absurdly petulant and oblivious royal correspondence, where the social pressures weigh so heavily that those who fail are apt to fall “thru the modern world to a stone /age period in full view of everyone” and where death is “shocking, raw and /untold”. Despite London’s many charms and majesties, Newton resists the allure of topographical verse. London is too perilous: “the taxis — /a heavy black mass running /across my paths, across all /the ways of my days. /Quiet and ugly, ugly and/ dangerous; tearing past my/ shins as I slip past”. It’s also confusing, as the traveler looking for Talbot Gardens finds when a local points him to Talbot Court, Talbot Road, Talbot Avenue and Talbot Crescent before admitting, “Sorry, can help any- more”. At least for those readers confused by all the specific references, Newton provides an arbitrary, but helpful, set of notes (online short stories)–
Perceptive and honest, Newton manages to be profound without being abstruse. Though stylistically unremarkable, this is clear-voiced and self-aware poetry that any city dweller will appreciate.