The LacBird Poems


‘The LacBird Poems’ — concerns the Vietnam conflict during the 1960’s and my own revived memories. 1st edition by WB in 1995 and 2nd edition with emp3books, 62 pgs, Nov/2010



These poems are from the Vietnam conflict, which lasted about ten years; when US forces were also involved –concluding in 1975, when the US finally withdrew…

I was living in California between 1967-70 and received ‘Induction orders’ at the end of 1969. I fled to Canada in my trusty roadster, after my appeal was denied…

But the war followed me for years ahead; from a bit of correspondence with the Draft Board, the TV news, stories and rumours from my pals at university…

Since then there have movies and TV shows on this ‘conflict’, books and articles; involving celebrities like Mohammed Ali, Daniel Berrigan and Lt. Calley…

Residing in West London/UK after 1980, I saw a new TV show from the US – showing the ground war with American troops and I met Vietnamese refugees, kids at school (myself as teacher by then) and as neighbours…

So I went to the library for as much reading material, I could find, to begin my poems in earnest…

ISBN: 978-1-7782685-0-2

The LacBird Poems


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