Londinium Poeta


‘Londinium Poeta’ — poems about modern London life, published by WB in Vancouver, Feb/2000; 2nd edition in 2004, WB; 3rd edition by emp3books/UK, 87 pgs, 2009.  This book was ‘recommended’ by Kirkus Reviews



London has been a popular attraction for a long time; because of a dynamic culture on top of politics, business and the creative arts…

There is a big turn-over of residents every year, to bring new ideas and new people – from students, visitors, commerce and the performing arts (theatre, music)…

The city can also bring out the inner landscape of people, which is the first person persona, through greater circumstance – the essential lyric form…

These poems are ‘verse libre’, a better form for the subjects at hand, in a modern metropolis – free of rhyme and meter, but not free of rhythm or form…

Lots of things can happen in close proximity: to enhance the interactions, confuse/confound; to make people reconsider themselves and the world around them…

Londinium Poeta


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