Penshaw Poems


Penshaw Poems’ — gathered from recent years; published by Weslond Books, in North Vancouver/Canada; Feb-2017.  Verses set in Vancouver, London (UK) and Yorkshire Hills; 78 pgs.  Reviewed favourably by Kirkus Reviews



PENSHAW means a wooded hill, in old English (Celtic and Anglo Saxon) – and these poems are a diverse collection, written together over a year or so, with no major theme in mind…

These pages are written in ‘free verse’, still popular today; because readers do not read aloud much anymore; they are more likely to be sitting alone and reading quietly…

I was an English teacher for many years, in London/UK mostly; but before that a working background needing practical skills. Not following any special trend or interest, I wait for something
to catch my attention from everyday living – because literature is an inclusive activity, not an exclusive domain…

There will always be poetry, because it is about renewing our language; with brevity and mood, tropes and allusion – still important in a modern world. I will say – ‘fiction works words, while poetry gathers them anew’…

Penshaw Poems


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