War Poets


War Poets’ — essay on Owen/Sassoon, WW-1 poetry; 1st edition by Weslond Books, 1989; 2nd edition, WB, 96 pgs, 2015



There is lots of history in these poems and it appears we still have much to learn about this terrible war, we now call a modern war. Most of us believe we must face the truth about what happened and not forget the sacrifices made by masses of young soldiers.

WW-1 was a seminal point in British history and the two poets were right in-th-middle of events, compelled to write about the conflict. They were both good soldiers, winning battlefield
honours, respect and friendship among their comrades. At the same time writing letters home and poems.

The poetry from Owen and Sassoon follows very closely behind all this upheaval; it was near impossible for them to get past this war experience. They expressed happenstance almost beyond
them, honestly and directly. Their readers would be, for the most part, the next generations to come…

For more background on the author — please check – www.stuartnewton.com

ISBN: 978-0-9949729-0-3

War Poets
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