To the Promised Land


‘To the Promised Land: California from the 1960’s towards 1991’ — a novel first begun in 1976, in two parts — about 108,000 words.  Set in turbulent times; a big social upheaval, which spread world wide.  Published by Weslond Books (April/2020) in North Vancouver



Surprisingly, California was leading the world back in the 1960’s – with lots of new social ideas…

‘Blue-jeans’ (taken from gold miners in San Francisco) started off in the early 60’s. But it was the Vietnam war (in opposition), which really powered the big issues like the ‘pill’ (birth control), psychedelic music/drugs/art, breaking ‘dress codes’, new kinds of therapy and political activism…

Many of these concerns evolved into the main stream and circled the world –feminism, rock music, recreational drug use, mobility, holistic health and environmental issues…

Let’s not forget ‘peace and love’ – re-invented in sunny California – the golden state, as on the license plates…

Thankfully, we no longer think only of movie stars, when remembering this west coast state. It always had a lot more going on than just Hollywood; great diverse farming enterprises, wineries and leading colleges/technology…

It’s still an important state even today; at the forefront of big ideas, surprises, innovation and success…

To the Promised Land


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