Poetica Rex


‘Poetica Rex’ — an essay on modern poetics, my own poetry and its sources; 1st edition by WB in 2006 and 2nd edition with emp3books, 61 pgs, Aug/2013



Sooner-or-later, a writer/poet, has to think about his own career; his own journey with writing. But this can be difficult, when it may seem to be vain/glorious, self-serving…

Good writing is not self-centered, very much the opposite — though this same writer has to present a personal view, a subjective response to his material – ‘write about what you know’…

Good writers cannot write in a vacuum; though they are also expected to be original, presenting something new, novel, a departure from the status quo… So they read a lot (sometimes selectively) and learn to observe, mull things over, disseminate issues and let their imagination loose with all this…

And authors must be honest with their influences, sources, materials and inspiration – to show utmost respect for fellow writers and their readers…

ISBN: 978-0-9949729-6-5


Poetica Rex


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